Friday, May 18, 2012

Zephyr Headliner Series; Snapback of the Week

Hey everyone, I am saying sorry right away because this weeks post will most likely not seem all that exciting. Not only am I in high school, but a soon-to-graduate senior in high school. From attending band and choir events, preparing for exams, to helping my older sister with SEO projects, time has been quickly consumed in the past couple weeks. However, my enthusiasm for Zephyr remains, as does my loyalty. This weeks nomination for "Snapback of the Week" is the Zephyr Florida Gators Black Headliner. One thing one cannot tell from the picture is the black and blue snap that is in the back. Two-color snaps are becoming more popular, and many of Zephyr's snapback designs feature two-colored snaps.

Zephyr has various designs of the Headliner snapback. There are Solid Headliners, like the UNC snapback (left); Black Headliners, like the Gators snapback (above); and the original Headliner, like BYU Cougars snapback (below). I also have a vague memory of there being a Headliner 2 snapback that I saw on Zephyrs Facebook Page, although I could not seem to find it. It is possible, however, that the Solid Headliner is another name for the Headliner 2.

If any of my readers have ideas/criticism for what I could talk about, review, or do anything else, please do so. This is a blog for Zephyr super-fans, so why shouldn't Zephyr super-fans be able help with it? They shouldn't. As always, much credit goes to Zephyr, for designing and supplying exceptional hats; and to Hatmonster, as well as other stockists, which makes the hats available. 

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